Course Resources
Session resources are listed below. The list is dynamic and growing. Check back as often as you'd like to see what's new.
Welcome to Wellbeing
Passcode: ?n3.Ybem
Get some sleep. Move your body. Eat and enjoy good foods. Take care of home.
We spend 1/3 of our lives at work or working. Take back control of your time with work-life balance, constant curiosity and personal and professional development.
We are social beings. We need each other. And just as importantly…we are needed. Be your best self for you and those around you.
Mental and spiritual wellness is all about connectedness. Whether connecting with your thoughts, feelings or breath. Whether reading a devotional, praying or serving. The first and most important connection is within.
With so much of our stress and anxiety steaming from financial woes or concerns, it’s a no brainer that this area of wellness must be a priority. But where to start? This list of resources should help!
Inside or outside. Your environment is all around you, the space you occupy. Get outdoors and experience nature. Declutter and rearrange indoors for optimal well-being.